It is weird how life works...Jessica and I were so different, true, we had many passions in common (insects, music, dancing, independent movies), but our characters were opposite poles. In spite of it, we managed to keep our friendship alive after she left UNO to take a break from school...and some people here did not even know we kept being close friends. We did not use to hang out during the weeks, since she was busy working and I was always hectic with school...but Friday was always our favorite day to see each other..I guess that is why, Fridays are so much harder for me to deal with now, than Mondays...
Lately there were not many happy Fridays for us though..I guess we were both going through a 30-age crisis....("going out" became a very rare event).....I would leave school late and would stop by her house...there, we would share our drama, frustrations, dreams and complains always under the company of a beer or a glass of wine....talking about beer...I remember now a huge argument we had (probably in May) because I had paid $70 in a dinner with her...hahaha.
This is the story...we went to the Louisiana Pizza Kitchen and we both got (besides of the food) two of our favorite beer....framboise lambic (not sure about the spelling)..anyway, it is an expensive beer from Belgium....after the dinner, I got upset because I did not expect to pay that much....but I was owing her money....and she said, I did not need to pay her but instead, I should include that money to pay the check.....but still...even after that, $50 bucks in a meal was a lot of money for me!..hahaha I was probably being too tight..haha..but I am graduate student right?...so we began to walk home arguing on the streets..we both were very mad..complaining about each other..as always...
...I am remembering that moment like if it were yesterday...
....I did not intend this post to be so long...I hope I am not boring the few people that read this...but doing this, it is the only way I can feel her close, it is the only way I can feel she is still with me....I started the post talking about our emails...and I would like to finish it with these, Jessica's last words for me in an email on July 29th:
Can't wait to see you again!!!
L, J.